Month: May 2018

Managing cooking recipes

I like to cook. And sometimes store my recipes. Over the years I have tried KRecipes, kept my recipes in BasKet notes, in KJots notes, in more or less random word processor documents. I liked the free form entering recipes

Where KDEInstallDirs points to

The other day, some user of Extra CMake Modules (A collection of utilities and find modules created by KDE), asked if there was an easy way to query cmake for wherever the KDEInstallDirs points to (KDEInstallDirs is a set of

Modern C++ and Qt – part 2.

I recently did a short tongue-in-cheek blog post about Qt and modern C++. In the comments, people discovered that several compilers effectively can optimize std::make_unique<>().release() to a simple new statement, which was kind of a surprise to me. I have

Modern C++ and Qt

– ’cause raw new’s are bad.
