playing with plasma

Now that kde4.1 is beginning to really take shape, I have also upgraded all my computers to kde4. Bye bye kde3.

I can’t live without a few kde3 apps though, particularily amarok. But my amarok usage was mostly controlled by the kicker media applet.

So I needed something that behaved similar to the kicker media applet. Plasma && dcop command line to the rescue. It still needs some polishing, especially getting the buttons closer together. But it works. It wasn’t that hard to get started, although the plasma docs still haven’t the quality of Qt documentation.

Here is how it looks:
My first plasmoid

And if anyone wants it, well – it is here: – at least for now.

4 comments on “playing with plasma
  1. Eric says:

    Why did you reinvent the wheel ? There was already a plasma applet (with much more functionality, and that behaves the same as yours when docked in plasma taskbar) on kde-look :

    Sorry that you spent time on this considering that someone else already did. But if you want you can contribute to the existing plasma applet by including some functionalities !


  2. apt-drink says:

    U mean dbus, right?

  3. sune says:

    apt-drink: No. I mean dcop and amarok-kde3.

    Eric: I didn’t find it when I looked for it. But it looks interesting. It is more or less the same thoughts as I have been doing. At one place though, they made a decision I considered, but didn’t want to:
    * Poll amarok every second for the status.
    If I strip that polling away (and things that uses it), I would end up with a bit nicer implementation that what I did here, but not much different.

    – and it also had the side effect that I actually have tried now to play with plasma.

  4. jospoortvliet says:

    Hey, nice one, looks good. Don’t mind the other comments, even though they might be right, playing with plasma is always good ;-)