Barcodes, Weather and other nice things

Long time no blogging.

Earlier, I wrote a blog post about transporting data to mobile phones. I have since then extracted the Data Matrix code I wrote there into a separate library, prison and added support for QR Code as well. So from KDE’s next feature release, versioned 4.7 arriving around first of august, you have DataMatrix and QRCode support in Klipper.

While on a barcode spree, I also added barcode support to the KDE Addressbooks for easy transfer of contacts. Also using libprison. Also available from 4.7 onwards.

Few minutes ago, libprison 1.0 was tagged and hopefully soon, the KDE Sysadmins will publish my tarball.

And about the weather. Some nice people wrote Debian Weather which in simple ways shows if it is unsafe to upgrade. Quite recently there have been thunderstorms and heavy rain in Debian Unstable. Perl rain.
I have recently added support for Debian Weather in the Plasma Dataengine for weather. Also available from 4.7 onwards.

Last but not least, after spending a couple of hours on trying to understand Q3PtrList and how it was used in KHelpCenter, it is now, as the last component in KDE-Runtime, free of Qt3Support.

All for now. Next up. Platform_11

One comment on “Barcodes, Weather and other nice things
  1. jstaniek says:

    Hi Sune, I’d like to note that Kexi has barcode support. Is there a way we join forces and share a single small Qt library for barcodes creation?