Year: 2011

Am I online? Network status aware apps II

So. Recently I blogged about Network status aware apps, and some time later, I got asked by a developer “How do I see if I’m online if I’m not using network manager?” and I replied with some dbus commands and

Those small nice tools we all write

Many of us out there writes small tools to just solve a simple task that you need. Here, I will present a tool I needed last night. I have a small job doing a wordpress site for some people, and

Missing tools for people looking for jobs

I have mentioned it before in some blog posts that I’m out looking for a job. In my job searching process, there is a couple of nice tools that I am missing. Maybe if I describe one of them, someone

Network status aware apps

Am I online or not? There is a summary at the end for the quick readers. It is in many modern applications important to be able to more or less gracefully handle if the application user is online or not.

First Plasma Active experience

John Layt recently blogged about his adventure with having children use Plasma Active with quite some success. The task I was this evening out at a board meeting in my local scout group, and for such a event you of

Desktopsummit, jobs, prison and such

It’s been a while since I last blogged, and some things has happened. Jobs I’m out looking for a job. Preferably KDE/Qt or Debian related. Or at least opensource related. Feel free to contact me if you know of anything.

Daemon slaying

I’ve gotten a couple of complaints on the amount of daemons that is launched by default by any app built upon the KDE Frameworks, so I investigated one of them a bit. The knotify daemon currently seems to do two

Five is a four letter word

and it starts with f… While looking at the future of the KDE Platform Frameworks here in Randa, Switzerland, a lot of interesting things has been found in kdelibs and kdepimlibs KSortableList KTypeList KAscii that no one knew what was

Barcodes, Weather and other nice things

Long time no blogging. Earlier, I wrote a blog post about transporting data to mobile phones. I have since then extracted the Data Matrix code I wrote there into a separate library, prison and added support for QR Code as
